Harriers finish 4th in Northern T&F League

Despite fielding a weakened Team, mainly due to the holiday period, the Harriers put in some fine performances at the North of England T&F League (Div 3 E) fixture at Jarrow, and at the close the Team finished a creditable 4th place in this match. Results were as follows:

Senior Men (A) 1st Greg Venyo 11.4.(B) 3rd Nick Ingram 12.1.
Senior Women (A) 3rd Lucy McIlroy 13.6.(B) 2nd Charlotte Boyle 13.6.

Senior Men (A) 1st Greg Venyo 23.4. (B) Jason Catterall (v40) 26.2.
Senior Women (A) (3rd) Lucy McILroy (28.1) (B) (3rd) Charlotte Boyle (28.7)

Senior Men (A) (2nd) Cameron Bain (51.1) (B) (3rd) Jason Catterall (v40) (57.1).
Senior Women (A) (Ist) Sophie Wood (58.7)(B)(2nd) Jacqui Hodgson(v45)(64.1)

Senior Men (A) (4th) Andy Graham(2.05.6) (B)(2nd) Chris Wilkinson(2.09.1)
Senior Women (A) Rebecca Mott(2.35.2) (B) (1st) Emma Toogood (2.33.7)

Senior Men(A) (5th) Jonny Wilkinson(4.19.2)(B) (2nd) Andy Graham (4.30.5)

Senior Men (A) (4th) Robin Linten (17.46.3) (B)(2nd) Chris.Wilkinson(18.51.5)pb

400m H
Senior Men (A) (6th) Paul Donaghy (v45) (81.0)(B) (1st) Cameron Allan (71.0)pb.
Senior Women (A) (2nd) Tammy Cook (v35) (2.19.7)pb

3000m s/c
Senior Men (A) (2nd) Robin Linten (10.57.5)pb (B) (1st) Liam Stubbington

Results of the Durham Teams in the Relays were as follows:
Senior Men (4x100m) 3rd (48.0)
Senior Women (4x100m 2nd (54.7)
Senior Men (4x400m) 3rd (3.53.5)
Senior Women (4x400m) 1st (4.26.2)

Senior Men (A) (4th) Zak Renwick (1.30m) (B) (2nd) Nick Ingram(1.45m) pb

Senior Men (A) (3rd) Zak Renwick (5.35m) (B) (6th) Liam Stubbington (3.45m)
Senior Women (A) (4th) Isabell Thornton (4.54m)

Senior Men (A) (3rd) Zak Renwick (11.54m)(B)(2nd) Cameron Allan (9.02m)

Shot Putt
Senior Men (A) (4th) Andrew Allan (9.13m) (B) (5th) Robin Linten (5.86m) pb
Senior Women (A) (4th) Emma Toogood 5.66m (B) Tammy Cook (v35) 5.54m

Senior Men (A) (5th) Paul Donaghy (v45) (21.36m) pb.(B) (3rd) Andrew Allan
Senior Women (A) (5th) Lucy McIlroy (14.11m) pb (B) Tammy Cook (v35)
(13.00m) pb.

Senior Men (A) (5th) Paul Donaghy (v45) (16.43m) (B) 4th Andrew Allan
Senior Women (A) 5th Tammy Cook (v35) (13.44m).

Senior Men (A) (6th) Nick Ingram (25.37m).pb.
Senior Women (A) (3rd) Isabell Thornton 24.54m.pb.(B) (5th) Tammy Cook
(V35) 8.52m. pb.

At the end of the 4th and final match of the Competition the Durham team finished 4th overall in the League and well done to those athletes who took part.

Track & Field League Report